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The main vocation of the Palais de la Porte Dorée was to be a “museum of the colonies”, which was to represent the territories, the history of the colonial conquest and its effect on the arts. Viewed unanimously as one of Paris’s most remarkable buildings of the 1930s, today it serves as a precious testimony to the museographic design of an era when this type of establishment played a central role in the dissemination and sharing of knowledge.

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This body of texts in the form of questions & answers covers contemporary issues linked to migrations. The "answers" presented here aim to provide summarised information and definitions, presenting an overview of the current debates within French society around migration issues, and to deconstruct a few common preconceptions… 

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With more than 300 animal species living in over 80 different environments, the Aquarium is a biodiversity hot spot. Learn how these species find food, breed or breathe, discover their relationships, their classification, understand biological mechanisms such as albinism or electrolocation...

Explore the thematic