
8The Games of tomorrow?

Elément graphique : piste de sport
Imaginer les épreuves du futur : le robot coach
Imagining the tests of the future: the robot coach
© Bureau des possibles

Against all odds, adored or contested, the summer Olympic Games - and now the winter Olympics and the Paralympics, remain a shared moment towards which all eyes and hopes converge. Snapshots of the world made in its image, they are born from the richness, complexity and contradictions in our society.  However, when millions of people travel to experience together “for real” the strong emotions that sport creates, the desire to be amazed by the performances that continue to push back physical and mental boundaries... it seems hard to reconcile this with the dwindling resources of our planet.  

In addition to this, the democratic issue upsets the principle of the attribution of the Olympics. More and more voices are being raised to highlight the contradictions between the growing ambitions of the organising committees and the interests of the populations of the host cities. In this context, Los Angeles for 2028 was chosen at the same time as Paris,  and the choice of Brisbane, automatically nominated for 2032, was not subject to a selective process.

Finally, the use of athletes and the competition as tools by national powers and brands creates significant ethical, economic and political challenges that constantly question the Olympic institutions and governments, under the pressure of public opinion.

Imaginer les épreuves du futur : le Jetpack Volley
Imagining the events of the future: Jetpack Volleyball
© Bureau des possibles
Imaginer les épreuves du futur : le Bubble Sprint
Imagining the events of the future: the Bubble Sprint
© Bureau des possibles
Maillot de la diaspora Tamoul pour imaginer des jeux de demain
Tamil diaspora jersey to imagine tomorrow's games
© Bureau des possibles

What will become of the Games in 2040, 2044 and 2048? Will e-sport or chessboxing become Olympic disciplines? Will the events be spread among several countries, as is the case for the soccer World Cup in 2030? Will the public attend virtually? Will men’s and women’s, Olympic and Paralympic categories still be in place? Will teams still be national, or will athletes come together under the standard of a brand, a continent or a diaspora? The history of the Olympic Games shows that they evolve to keep pace with the world, and they remain an echo chamber for international and national conflicts, individual choices and collective commitments.

Elément graphique : piste de sport